Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities? Differences? Opinions? Share them please!

I know a lot of us have similarities as well as differences. So don't be shy, share whats makes you unique from me and what we have in common I'm dying to hear!


  1. We are similiar because we are both women in the enlightenment era! A lot of men despised our ability to be an artisits, but we have truly shined.
    We are different because I have never really like performing.
    You seem to be very talented! If I ever went to French, I would have loved to see you perform.

  2. Hello Praskovia, I am also a successful female artist, just like you. You are an opera singer and I am a play write, but even though our professions differ, we have at least one thing in common: the fact that there was an expected lifestyle for women to live and we both broke the general expectation by pursuing a career in the arts, instead of "Housewife 101."

  3. Bonjour Ms. Kovalyova, we are similar because we both are in the performing arts! I love to perform and I see you do as well. Also, we both were rated high in talent, so hooray for us. But, I only focused on one talent, I see you are talented in many areas besides acting!

  4. Similarities: We are both into music
    Differences: I played violin and you played the harp
    Judgements: You did a good job getting artifacts that were different from each other and that helped describe the artist you became.

  5. Well hello there! I was scrolling along your page and i was finding out a lot about you. I find it interesting that we both live up to our glorious titles. I must say though it's very impressive that you can do act and sing. I look at you with envy on that standard because I would love to be good at more than just dance because I could make an even bigger title for myself! I think if we could ever get together I could teach you how to dance so you can be a triple threat!!!!

    1. Triple threat eh? That would be a blessing and an honor to have you teach me how to dance! You are an exceptional dancer! I wish nothing but the best for you Barbara!

  6. Signorina Kovalyova, may I say the I find it a grande onore to meet a women who was able to pursue her passsioni in an unfortunate financial situation. I relate to your struggle with finances, I had to battle poverty my entire life, and had to find ways to pursue my art whilst feeding my famiglia, a feeling of which I am sure you can relate to. It is amazing that you were a multi-strumentista e attrice, and you managed to excel in all of these fields. Perhaps there is a piece of mine you would be interested in playing?
